Transcript of Conversation Between Quicknode Citizen Thoughtful 45 and the Nau’gsh Called Lilith while in a Holding Cell on Skarsian Space Station Eirelantra
Why did you do it?
My reasons were multiple. First, to further my own researches and the evolution of my species. Second, as a gesture of friendship to the Nau’gsh nuncio, Ashtara. It is my understanding that you have a familial relationship.
I’m his daughter – well, his sapling. He isn’t responsible for my gender. Esau was.
No, you were. The human telepath Esau St. John reflected your own ideal. You desired a heterosexual male. You chose him.
That’s not how it works. Not how it really works.
Perhaps the interaction is more ambiguous than that? A mutual desire. Love.
I don’t understand the word. My father is always going on about it. Esau didn’t find it necessary.
In order to develop telepathic capacities, Earth’s Central Government deliberately induced malfunctions in the human Esau St. John. You do understand this?
I understand that I’m screwed.
Not necessarily. I can provide the reference point you require. I will generate a human face, if that will make you more comfortable.
You’re more handsome than Esau.
Of course. Unlike a human telepath, I can provide your physical ideal as well as your psychological one. I could project a holograph, if you like.
I’d rather you wouldn’t.
I can attempt to provide love.
Don’t make me laugh. Why would you want to do that?
It is a vital part of my research.
It’s useless. One of the things I liked about Esau was that his thinking was so clear. So straightforward. That Tara is a nutjob, and she’s completely screwed my father up.
A matter of perspective. Ashtara’s thinking is non-linear. It has led to a remarkable leap in his evolution in unprecedented time. On the other hand, Esau’s thinking is classified by his human peers as disturbed. Fanatical, they call it.
I don’t give a rotten root. What do you want from me?
I want your love.
I don’t have any. You can have my n’aashet n’aaverti. My loyalty. It’s not like I have a choice.
I’ve heard that human couples in arranged marriages often come to love each other.
Why don’t you ask Tenzain Merkht about that one?
I believe that neither he nor Tara were acting in good faith. And Tara had a prior commitment. I, on the other hand, have no commitments whatsoever. I believe that you no longer feel an attachment to Esau St. John?
Whatever he had, it’s gone now. And you seem to have it. I know he used me. I’m not certain that your motives are any better. Nevertheless, I don’t have a choice. Is that what you call acting in good faith?
Lilith, I wish I could leave you free to choose, but I fear that would result in your condemnation and eventual execution. I am not entirely certain that my intervention will be enough to save you as it is. But I will do my best, as a husband, to protect you.
They’ll probably burn my tree. The only question is whether they’ll charge me with treason or heresy. And I’ll just bet my dad will get involved. Because he’s Archon, he’ll make an exception. And it will screw him politically. Esau never would’ve done such a thing. In fact, Esau did the opposite.
Esau wanted you to turn against your entire species. His faction of CenGov does not believe in granting the rights of sentience to the Nau’gsh.
I know that.
If he had succeeded, the Combine of Advanced Sentients would’ve erased humanity.
I didn’t know that. That’s alarming.
Esau was acting from a limited perspective, which led him to behave in destructive ways. My perspective is broader.
Broader than my father’s?
I have insufficient data for analysis.
Hah! You’re honest. Apparently, Esau wasn’t.
He was willing to accept corrupted data in order to maintain his view of the universe.
Just like my father.
Incorrect. Your father manipulates the universe in order to match his corrupted data.
You amuse me. I like your way of thinking.
I know.
What shall I call my tree? I’m not Esau’ashra anymore. Thoughtful45ashra seems a bit awkward.
If I understand the naming convention, the prefix “ashra” is a feminine form meaning “lover of.” In that case, I will draw upon Earth’s ancient languages for a solution. I name you Philosophia.