Jonah del Eden’d


Jonah first appears in A Gathering of Leaves.

Correspondence Chart Entries from The Portable Grove


Jonah del Eden’d (Hebrew: dove; all Goliath emanations have the surname del Eden’d, Skarsian: of Eden.)
Numeration77th emanation of Ashtara; 21st branch of Goliath; 60 in the correspondence chart.
Vital Statistics1.758 meters tall, cock size 15.89 cm when erect.
DescriptionA fresh-faced young man whose handsomeness is augmented by his incredible charisma. His hair is a medium brown mess. He has a medium build, but thin. He loves nautical style, stripy shirts, white canvas pants, dock shoes.
Sexual Prowess and KinksSex on the beach.
Average Duration of PlayUnknown.
Totem TreeCrescentia cujete, the calabash tree.
Fixed StarBaten Kaitos, the belly of the whale (ζ Cet).
Esoteric SymbolThe Etruscan letter (f):
FunctionAdministrative attainment.
Official TitleIpsissimal Herald for Her Eminence the Matriarch of Skarsia.
His ProphecyWhat is he hiding?
DessertPuree of nau’gsh soup with buttercado mousse (a gourd variety which tastes like a buttery avocado).
77. Jonah Soup 3

Persistence of Weeds Addendum

Branch Growth CharacteristicsGoliath was synthesized fully grown. Jonah’s branch was constructed by Davy and Dermot from pieces of his “brothers” on Atlas, Hurley and Dermot.
Nul-historyOriginally bound to Darius, Julian, Jesse and Anthony. Thomas, on the impulse that Tara would want them, draws them into the Goliath entity.
Proto-conscious Root ConceptModesty, designated Coy.
Prime Number of Energy Resonance281
From Self-Portraits Not-of-Me II: Baby Pictures by Driscoll Garrett77 - Jonah

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