Tannon Zilverspar


Tannon first appears in The Persistence of Weeds.

Correspondence Chart Entries


Tannon Zilverspar (Germanic: a fir tree, also English: leatherworker, darkened; Dutch: silver fir)
Numeration52nd emanation of Ashtara, 4th branch of Canopus; 87 on the correspondence chart.
Vital Statistics1.731 meters tall, cock size 18.78 cm when erect.
DescriptionHis eyes are wide and deep; an odd expression on his face, a half-smile which looks alternately silly and sinister. Has a mop of thick, dark hair; most always barefoot, wearing a black silk overcoat.
Sexual Prowess and KinksHe has cones.
Average Duration of Play17 minutes, 33 seconds.
Totem TreeAbies magnifica, the red fir.
Fixed StarAntares, the rival of Ares (α Sco; also A HR – the Hedgerow, a constellation in Skarsian astrology) also called also called Bilu-sha-ziri, Lord of the Seed, Kak-shisa, the creator of prosperity, Dar Lugal, the king, Masu Sar, the hero and the king, and Kakkab Bir, the vermilion star. One of the so-called Royal Stars of the Persians, probably the watcher Vanant in the Zend Avesta, derived from smiter stinger, seizer, conqueror, victorious one.
Esoteric SymbolThe Minchiate trump Lo Scorpione, Scorpio.
FunctionEstablishing release.
Official TitleSupreme and Holy Conifer.
His ProphecySomething new.
DessertMont Bleu (pureed nau’gsholi with whipped cream)
Branch Growth CharacteristicsTara evoked him with a candle to see if she could force a branch to grow on Canopus.
Nul-historyOne of thousands of sparks drawn up in the massive surge of power when Tielo became Archon of Yggdrasil. When confronted with the vision of Tara’s Destiny, Tannon said, “Curious beauty, unexpected, a wing that cuts, the delicious box of the future deliquesced.” The response was so bizarre Ashtara decided to admit him.
Proto-conscious Root ConceptInnovation, designated Fir.
Prime Number of Energy Resonance449
From Self-Portraits Not-of-Me II: Baby Pictures by Driscoll Garrett52-tannon

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