Dominic del Eden’d


Dominic first appears in A Gathering of Leaves.

Correspondence Chart Entries from The Portable Grove


Dominic del Eden’d (Latin: lordly, belonging to a lord or master; all Goliath emanations have the surname del Eden’d, Skarsian: of Eden.)
Numeration81st emanation of Ashtara; 23rd branch of Goliath; 100 in the correspondence chart.
Vital Statistics1.767 meters tall, cock size 16.68 cm when erect.
DescriptionAthletic, moderately muscular, sexy in a wholesome way. He has light brown hair, short but wavy, parted in the middle. He wears collarless tunics and jodhpurs in the fashion of the Siderian aristos.
SkillsBiological historian.
Sexual Prowess and KinksTopping from below.
Average Duration of PlayUnknown.
Totem TreePhanera (Bauhinia) purpurea, the orchid tree or butterfly tree.
Fixed StarTseen Ke, the heavenly record (φ Vel).
Esoteric SymbolThe Minchiate trump Il Mondo, The World (often featured in Skarsian decks as The Multiverse).
FunctionAdjudicative attainment.
Official TitleMost Potent High-reeve of the Blue Savannah.
His ProphecyThe ruler shall be ruled.
DessertNau’gsh crème cannoli.
81. Dominic Cannoli 3

Persistence of Weeds Addendum

Branch Growth CharacteristicsGoliath was synthesized fully grown. Dominic’s branch was constructed by Davy and Dermot from pieces of his “brothers” on Atlas, Patrick and Callum.
Nul-historyOriginally bonded to Marius and Alexander; they bonded to Simon and Isaac before joining the Goliath entity.
Proto-conscious Root ConceptRegency, designated Lord.
Prime Number of Energy Resonance541
From Self-Portraits Not-of-Me II: Baby Pictures by Driscoll Garrett81 - Dominic


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