Barnabas del Eden’d


Barnabas del Eden’d (Hebrew: son of consolation, son of comfort; all Goliath emanations have the surname del Eden’d, Skarsian: of Eden.)
Numeration35th emanation of Ashtara; 10th branch of Goliath; 11 in the correspondence chart.
Vital Statistics1.838 meters tall, cock size 18.29 cm when erect.
DescriptionVery similar to Owen, but more muscular, a bit thinner, looks sharper and more cynical. Neat dark hair, groomed sideburns, intentionally unshaven look. Wears practical, working clothes. He somehow looks slicker and more pulled-together than Owen.
SkillsMechanical engineer.
Sexual Prowess and KinksGoes along with anything.
Average Duration of Play11 minutes 45 seconds.
Totem TreeQuercus virginiana, the live oak.
Fixed StarCapella H, the third twin of the she-goat (α Aur: actually made of two double-stars).
Esoteric SymbolThe Archimedean solid truncated cuboctahedron.
FunctionAdjudicative insight.
Official TitleAnti-consul and Lord High Engineer to the Skarsian Matriarchy.
His ProphecyA reed that grows in water.
DessertNau’gsh pie a la mode


In The Poison Garden, Ash is annoyed that the squabbling between Owen and Lugh is delaying the colonization project.  He emanates another set of brother engineers, Barnabas and Ethan.  They are not emanated for an afternoon before Ethan is kidnapped at nullet-point by Lilith.  Tara wants to rush into the situation, but Barnabas, concerned for her safety, restrains her.  The High Council is paralyzed, not knowing whether to obey the Matriarch or the Archon, allowing Lilith time to escape.

Barnabas is able to sense Ethan’s location and stations troops to intercept Lilith.  He then buckles over – Ethan is imprisoned in a nul-cage, and Barnabas can feel it.  He relays a message from Seth to consult the Twist – and then Ash replaces him with Lugh and Ethan with Owen.

As of The Perpetual Rose, Barnabas is still a virgin.  Both he and Ethan are experiencing an existential crisis – they don’t understand their purpose in the grove other than as copies of Owen and Lugh.  Barnabas helps to design the glowkrill, but is otherwise not involved in the main action.

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