Ari del Eden’d


Eden Blues: Warning – major spoilers!

Ari is the first of the Goliath branches, emanating in 3606.  His purpose is to mentor the sentient species called the K’ntasari created by Davy on the Eden asteroid.  To this end, Davy and Dermot instill only enough memories to educate and protect them – he is not allowed to remember Tara on the rationale that if he did, he would leave to find her.  Dermot surmises that sooner or later, Tara will go looking for Ash, and Eden is an obvious place to begin.  He is also hoping that it will separate them long enough for Tara to rid herself of Ashtara’s influence, so that she might choose to embrace or reject her destiny freely.

However, the plan goes off course when Terran scientists sneak on to Eden and discover the presence of the K’ntasari.  In order to keep them from becoming research subjects, Ari leads them in a resistance movement against the Terrans.  Intimidated by the size, strength and stratagems of “the wild man,” he is targeted specifically by CenGov and killed.  Manasseh emanates.

Around this time, Tara uses the blue amrita in the hopes of seeing where Ash has gone.  She has a vision of Ari and is able to surmise that the background is Eden.  Obsessed by Ari, she goes there to liberate the K’ntasari from CenGov interference and meets Manasseh.  She discovers the presence of Goliath.

When the situation becomes clear, Ari believes that the two trees must struggle for dominance, and feels that both Goliath’s form and n’aashet n’aaverti are more perfect than Atlas’.  Aran sides with him in this, opposed to the more nuanced view of Valentin or the more sympathetic one of Manasseh.

It is discovered that the physical form of the emanation is controlled by whether it is closer to Atlas or Goliath.  As CenGov pushes towards war with Skarsia, Tara is forced to rely on the Goliath emanations for certain operations.  When Dalgherdia is captured, Ari leads a liberation force.  He is resentful of the operation as it requires Ash to leave Tara alone for a few days – Ari is not willing to risk this despite the dire situation of the inhabitants of the space station.  Nevertheless, he complies, as Tara has ordered it.  However, he questions the importance of “Tara’s Destiny,” asserting that her safety and happiness should be prioritized.

The recapture of Dalgherdia City does not go according to Mickey’s plan – CenGov has rigged the city with evictium bombs.  Ari is forced to disarm them before his force attacks the science station, losing the element of surprise.  The battle is long and hard, heroic on the part of Ari and the K’ntasari.

Once the battle is over, Tara’s flagship joins them, and he meets her for the first time in the flesh.  Ari is left speechless, to the amusement of the other Goliath emanations who have already met the Chosen.  He murmurs that his impulses are at odds with his respect for her, and she replies that he should follow his impulses.  He carries her into the bedroom.

Tara and Ari remain on Dalgherdia for a time, aiding in emergency management and reconstruction plans.  They live at Tara’s old apartment, where she resided when she was working for the Terrans at the science station.  Tara reveals that she worked for CenGov because she was unable to gain support for her research in the Domha’vei – and now realizes that it was because the 5th Matriarch had suppressed all inquiries which might lead to the discovery that the Nau’gsh were sentient.

Ari does his best to be perfect in every way, but he knows that Tara is thinking about the other emanations.  When Tara says they have to leave Dalgherdia, Ari begs her to stay with Goliath.  He challenges her, saying that if she was sincere when she told Valentin would respect her marriage to all of Ashtara, then she will eat of Ari’s apples.  She retorts that she will – if Ari takes the blue amrita.  She is hoping that it will cause him to experience the Atlas pleroma, just as Chase experienced the Goliath pleroma under similar circumstances.

Ari enters the pleroma, but all the emanations are in stasis except Whirljack and Suibhne, Ari’s “brothers.”  Whirljack is dismayed that Blackjack is still in stasis.  Ari is amazed at the tiny size of the space – it is modeled on Daniel’s old apartment whereas the Goliath pleroma is a large cavern similar to ones the K’ntasari used for refuge.  They come to the realization that Tara wants them to make peace, but both Ari and Whirljack are uncompromising.  They have mutual respect, but see each other as an unfortunate enemy.  Suibhne points out that Ari is their brother and suggests that Tara might think it’s kinky if they had a threesome.  Ari protests that he is not being serious, but Suibhne has a mad faith that Ashtara will eventually solve their problem: “I’m not so crazy as to think I can fight against God.”

When the drug wears off, Ari protests that Tara’s plan did not work – he cannot allow Atlas to have control, citing that she was left alone for two years.  Tara replies that she needs Ash to defeat CenGov.  They fight – Ari finally retorts that Atlas makes poor decisions because it is so damaged, and that Goliath will serve her better.  This enrages Tara, who punches him in the mouth.  She then declares that Atlas is her first love – she planted it herself, and it is a symbol to the people of the Domha’vei.  Furious, she leaves.

Ari has a breakdown.  He feels that Goliath has been rejected and has no right to exist.  Valentin talks him off the ledge, convincing him that Tara wants to be followed, but can’t be forced.  In his confusion, Ari wanders into Tom O’Bedlam’s in Dalgherdia City.  He rummages around Tommy’s possessions, trying to understand his own nature.  In despair, he pleads with his god, Ashtara, for help.  Ash responds by emanating Thomas.

After the trees are united, Ari is called upon to participate in the press conference with the new emanations.  From his blunt, inelegant answers, it is clear that he is no politician.  Tara tells Ari that his unpopularity is fine – it means he’ll be bothered less by the media.

Tara performs an official ceremony to recognize the Goliath emanations as part of her husband, Ashtara.  On their wedding night, she fulfils her promise to eat Ari’s apple.

The Poison Garden: Ari stays mostly in the background of the novel.  He protests that that they do not need another tree, and also remarks that the Goliath branches think the taboo against eating nuts is archaic.  Ari votes in favor of uprooting Lilith because he is unwilling to allow a potential threat to Tara to exist.

When Tara falls in love with Aran, Ari sulks jealously.  Whirljack advises him that it’s better to emanate less frequently, so as not to get played out.  When Tara insinuates that Ash would be better off with an AI for his Chosen, the ensuing tension in the pleroma provokes a fist fight between Ari and Sloane.

In “The Prophecy of Homecoming,” Tara fulfils her promise to live on Eden with Ari.  She has a tiny cottage made of red stone constructed.  When they arrive, Ari questions why she wants to be with him – he claims that she no longer loves him because he has been so long unemanated.  She replies that it doesn’t work that way – there were times when she wanted him but another emanation was needed.  She intuits that the reason for his jealousy – and that of other Goliath emanations – is that she has not bonded to Goliath itself.  She climbs Ari’s trunk.  He follows her, and she falls asleep nestled within his arms on one of the boughs.

While they are on Eden, Ari speaks to Miranda.  She tells him that her desire is to travel – she doesn’t want to be perpetual leader of the K’ntasari.  He gives her permission to designate a successor.

When Tara bakes bread, Ari finally understands the real reason for Tara’s insistence on this pastoral life – she doesn’t want Ash to colonize another galaxy.  It means time away from her, and another tree when she hardly knows Goliath.  She tells him that although she has many properties, she only has two homes – Court Emmere and this house – because that’s where the Ashtrees are.  She says that she wanted him with her because she is in love with him, and thought it would strengthen her bond to Goliath.  He tells her that love for a tree grows with time.

The Perpetual Rose: Ari does not play a significant role.

The Portable Grove: During the eighth experiment, Ari says that they should admit a few members to the Gold Club as possible.  He admits that he is jealous – most of the others feel it is ridiculous to be jealous of other emanations as they share experiences.

In the ninth experiment, Ari and Daniel accompany Tara to Jamey’s habitation, a garden in the pleroma.  The experiment is ostensibly to discover if there is anything specifically different about first emanations, the ones they call “flower-faces.”  They discuss human gender, sexuality and sexual preferences.  It is difficult for them to understand the nuances.  When Ari states that it makes sense for the larger and more biologically active partner to be the dominant one, he is laughed at by Daniel because Tara is so clearly the dominant one in her relationship with Ari.  Jamey encourages them to begin the flower arranging project, and the conversation wanders onto the nature of love and trust.  Daniel pushes a little too hard and Tara explodes, triggered by the memory of Daniel’s death.  The two of them break into a fight while Ari cowers helplessly, and it is Jamey who finally reconciles them.

During the sixth stress test, Ari feels isolated at the drinking party.  He observes Hurley’s conversation with Driscoll but can’t grasp love relationships which are not controlled by jealousy.  He also observes Axel and Suibhne on the couch and is stunned by Axel’s statement that life is wonderful.  Tara slips off with Tommy, provoking Ari to be jealous of their friendship.  He is also jealous of Evan’s Gold Card but brushes it off to give him a congratulatory hug.  Ari is drunk, and he holds Evan for longer than is necessary, until Evan kiddingly says that Quennel will be jealous.  Ari laments the way he is made, unintentionally becoming the focus of attention.  As a number of emanations and Tara discuss Ari’s nature, Tarlach reveals that part of Ari’s problem is that he never rides with the other emanations, so he doesn’t have the same visceral sense of being part of a unified Ashtara as the others.  Tommy causes Ari to share memories of Callum, Cillian and Tarlach, three very different emanations.  Ari starts to understand.  Evan and Quennel also share with him; Ari ends up in the center of an orgy.

Correspondence Chart Entries from The Portable Grove


Ari del Eden’d (Hebrew: lion; all Goliath emanations have the surname del Eden’d, Skarsian: of Eden.)
Numeration26th emanation of Ashtara; 1st branch of Goliath; 94 in the correspondence chart.
Vital Statistics2.184 meters tall, cock size 22.86 cm when erect.
DescriptionRoughly handsome, a powerful, bestial element. Leonine, with long red hair. Gigantic, both tall and muscular, but more solid than cut. Cares little for fashion; dresses practically.
SkillsEducator, leader. Strong sense of loyalty.
Sexual Prowess and KinksKnows how to put size to good use.
Average Duration of Play18 minutes, 29 second.
Totem TreeSequoiadendron giganteum, the giant sequoia.
Fixed StarCor Leonis, the heart of the lion (α Leo) also called Regulus, the little king, Basiliscus, the king, Sharru, the king, Maghā, the mighty, Magh, the great, and Miyan, the center.
Esoteric SymbolThe Minchiate trump Il Leone, Leo.
FunctionCombinatory initiation.
Official TitleLord Eden, Minister of K’ntasari Affairs.
His ProphecyPersistent heat, like the afternoon sun.
DessertDried nau’gsh and black walnut brioche
26. Ari Brioche 3

Persistence of Weeds Addendum

Branch Growth CharacteristicsGoliath was synthesized fully grown. Ari’s branch was constructed by Davy and Dermot from pieces of his “brothers” on Atlas, Whirljack and Suibhne.
Nul-historyEncountered Manasseh’s spark, but was unable to synchronize with him until Atlas created a copy of Tommy’s spark for them to synchronize to.
Proto-conscious Root ConceptStubbornness, designated Rocksolid.
Prime Number of Energy Resonance491
From Self-Portraits Not-of-Me II: Baby Pictures by Driscoll Garrett26-Ari


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